Dr. Xiaochuan Huang

Research Interests: Dr. Xiaochuan Huang’s primary research interest was membrane technologies for seawater and brackish water desalination, with a focus on scaling and fouling mechanisms. Specifically, her projects investigated the interaction between scalants and material physicochemical properties. Originally from China, she obtained her M.S. degree from Tsinghua University, where she studied the anti-biofouling properties of nanomaterial-modified membrane surfaces.

Background: Exploring the unknown was exciting for her. She was delighted to be a member of Dr. Li’s lab and the NSF-funded Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT), where she pursued her research in advanced water treatment technologies. In her free time, Xiaochuan enjoys rock climbing and hiking, finding these activities to be a perfect complement to her scientific pursuits.

MS, Environmental Engineering
– Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2017
Ph.D, Environmental Engineering
– Rice University, Houston, Texas, 2023


    • H.W. Reeves Endowed Scholarship – 2021
    • NSF ERC NEWT Fellow – 2022
    • Finalist of DOE Geothermal Lithium Extraction Prize -2021

Contact Information: amohxchuan@gmail.com


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